If your having problems making your plants stand out from the rest, then choosing the best container for your plants is the answer. Window box comes in different types and sizes. It adds beauty and charm to your plants. Plants give life to a home.

Mounting the window box is sometimes a challenge for others. I’ll give six easy steps to mount your window box.
After deciding what type of window box your gonna use and how big it is, the next step you need to do is to hang them.  

1.      Mark the mounting location. Place a inch distance between your windowsill and your window box. Make a mark using a pencil to locate the top of your bracket.  Window box bracket is available at window.com.

2.     Install the top screw on the bracket. Hold the bracket on the pencil mark and make again another mark for the hole of the screw. Using the drill, bore a pilot hole and also the bracket. Fasten the bracket into the house using the screw.

3.     Check for plumb and install the second screw. Drill a pilot hole and also for the second screw into your bracket.

4.     Install the second bracket. Follow the steps 2-3 to mount the 2nd bracket. Make sure to level the two brackets.

5.     Center the window box. Set  the empty window on top of the two brackets.  Make sure that the angled side of the window box is facing outward.

6.    Fasten the box to the brackets. Drill and counter bore pilot holes into the upper rear edge of the box, directly in front of each bracket. Place the galvanized decking screw on the box and into the upper of each of the bracket.

Fill the window box with soil, and then plant them. 
